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Which of the following management interfaces can provide real-time diagnostic information? (Select two.)
Answer: A,C
The Firebox System Manager (FSM) and Fireware Web UI are two key interfaces in Firebox devices for local management that offer real-time diagnostic information.
* Firebox System Manager (FSM): FSM provides a graphical interface that allows administrators to monitor traffic in real-time, view logs, and analyze performance metrics directly from the device. This interface includes specific tools such as Traffic Monitor and Subscription Services, which display current activity and status of security services, respectively. FSM is highly effective in immediate diagnostics due to its continuous update capabilities.
* Fireware Web UI: Fireware Web UI, another management interface available in Firebox, offers similar diagnostic functionalities but is accessible through a web browser. This interface is essential for remote diagnostics and provides real-time views on device status, traffic, and security service health.
The Web UI is particularly beneficial for quick access without needing specialized client software like FSM, making it convenient for on-the-go monitoring.
These two interfaces are central to Firebox management and are designed to streamline real-time monitoring and diagnostics, ensuring network health is visible and manageable at all times.
What does a Firebox configured with default firewall policies do with outbound traffic that does not have a configured route? (Select one.)
Answer: B
When a Firebox is configured with default firewall policies and encounters outbound traffic that lacks a specified route, the Firebox will drop this traffic. In firewall configurations, if there's no matching route or policy, the traffic typically gets discarded by default to prevent unintended data leakage or unauthorized connections. This behavior is standard for most firewall devices to ensure secure handling of unconfigured paths.
When Mobile VPN is enabled, remote users receive the domain name and DNS servers from the Firebox Network Configuration by default.
Answer: A
WhenMobile VPNis enabled on a Firebox, remote users receive network configuration settings, including domain nameandDNS server informationfrom the Firebox by default. This setupensures that remote users can resolve internal domain names and access network resources as though they were connected directly to the internal network. This functionality is essential for maintaining consistent user experience and connectivity while working remotely.
When you configure a Branch Office VPN tunnel to a third-party device, AES-GCM encryption is recommended for:
Answer: C
AES-GCM (Galois/Counter Mode)encryption is recommended for VPNs because it provides strong encryption with high performance and low overhead, making it an ideal choice for environments where both endpoints support it. AES-GCM combines encryption and authentication in a single step, resulting in faster processing compared to traditional encryption modes that handle these tasks separately. This mode is advantageous for maintaining high throughput in VPN tunnels, especially beneficial for branch office or inter- site VPNs where performance is critical.
You have just configured Mobile VPN with IKEv2 for your customer. By default, authenticated Mobile VPN users are allowed to send traffic to all Firebox networks through the VPN.
Answer: A
In the default configuration ofMobile VPN with IKEv2, authenticated VPN users are only allowed access to specified networks or resources as defined by the VPN policy. They do not automatically have access to all Firebox networks through the VPN. To enable access to specific networks, administrators need to configure access routes explicitly within the Mobile VPN settings.
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